Paragliding in Bir Billing

Bir Billing : Bir is a village located in the west of Joginder Nagar Valley in the state of Himachal Pradesh in northern India. Bir is a noted centre for ecotourism, spiritual studies, meditation and Main attraction is Paragliding. Bir Biliing is best paragliding destination in India

How to reach Bir Billing : 

Route 1 : Bir Billing is 520 Kms from Delhi. Best way to reach Bir Billing is by Bus from Delhi to Baijnath( Baijnath is 13 km  from Bir Billing). Over night HRTC buses(Ordinary, Semi Sleeper, AC volvo)are available from Delhi to Baijnath. If you are planning in budget then Semi Sleeper is best Option otherwise AC Volvo provide best comfort and charge you accordingly. Buses can br booked from or HRTC official website. From Baijnath there is frequent availability of buses to Bir Billing.

Route 2 : If you want to travel from Manali to Bir Billing (or vice versa). Many Local buses between Baijnath and Manali are available however u may need to change bus from Mandi (Himachal Pradesh). Distance between Manali and Baijnath is approx 180 kms and Buses will take approx 7 hrs to complete distance.

How to do Paragliding in Bir Billing

There are 2 options fir paragliding in 
1. Solo : This could be done if you are an experienced pilot

2 Tandem Paragliding : This could be done by inexperienced and First timers in assist with pilot which will glide the Glider and you just have to sit with them and enjoy the thrill. There are various packages offered : Short flight 15 mins, Long Flight : 30 mins. Charges of ling flight are around INR 2500 /- (as per year 2017).

How to avail Package : 
1. From Billing Paragliding Association :

2. Packages available from :

they offer best price and experience
